Knitted Mycelium
> Mycelium and Textile
Material: textile, mycelium
Technique: knitting
Shaping: by textile construction, stretching
Detail: Study Material- Conttruction based.
Berlin, 2022
Exhibited: DDW 2022, Yksi Expo “Rethinking Plastic2022”
The project explores the transformation of solidifying materials into three-dimensional textile objects. Hybrid yarns of fabric and materials such as mycelium are processed through various textile construction techniques into objects that challenge the boundaries of conventional textiles.

Transforming Materials into Textiles
For the development of three-dimensional structures, the designer uses a method that allows her to process different materials into a yarn, which is then processed in the next step using textile construction techniques.
The combination of material and construction allows to solidify textile movements.

Knitted Mycelium
Mycelium is a lightweight but very stable material with other excellent properties.
To grow mycelium it was mixed with organic material. Combined with fabric it was knitted into a three-dimensional shape. To solidify or freeze the design, the mixture was kept under certain circumstances to start the growing process of a stable fungal mesh. The process was stopped by addi

Construction and Design
The design of the objects are inspired by baskets. Traditional techniques such as hexagon weaving were explored to complement familiar textile techniques. The design of the basket provides further functions when turned upside down. Depending on the properties of the material the Solidified Textiles could be scaled-up, to may take on a spatial dimension
“Knitted Mycelium” Workshop 2023 at IBK2, Uni Stuttgart with Eliza Biala, Prof. Martin Ostermann

3 days workshop with a group of students. Fusing the mycelium yarn development of Eliza Biala, IbK” with my method of applying textile construction techniques.
First part of the workshop was building the required tool, learning knitting and further textile techniques. As result of the workshop 5 final objects were produce with different kinds of construction techniques (knitting, weaving, knotting) and different ways of shaping.
Participating students: Aysima Yavuz, Kalaivanan Amudhan, Gonzalo Munoz Guerrero, Clara Blum, Evelyn Schurig, Laura Lesar, Mahdi Jafari, Weifeng He, Yagmur B., Gelareh S., Hamed Behmanesh, Kumaraguru V., Zahra Shakeri,Minghui Chen, André Aymonod, Paula Castel, Sarvenaz Sardari, Ali Zolfaghari